Contact & Booking

Contact us to book!

A calendar informs you about the available days and times.
The price list will help you to choose the right formula for you.





Reminder of prices

The rates for the walks (easy routes around the rental point):

Duration 1 Donkey 2 Donkeys
1 Hour 15 € 25 €
2 Hours 30 € 50 €
With an accompanying person: +10€ per hour in addition to the initial fee

Prices of the Hikes (Free or predefined tours):

Duration 1 Donkey 2 Donkeys
Half Day 40 € 70 €
1 Day 60 € 110 €
Several days 50 €/day 100 €/day
With an accompanying person: +10€ per hour in addition to the initial fee

Prices for the Donkey Discovery Workshop:

Duration Possible programme (To be designed in advance with the person responsible for the group) Prices
2 hours Welcome, Interaction with the donkeys, walk (1h) 75 €
Half Day Welcome, interaction with the donkeys, pack-up, ride (1h30), unpacking. 100 €
1 Day Welcome, interaction with the donkeys, pack-up, walk (1h30), picnic, continuation of the walk (1h30), unpacking. 150 €

The prices of the initiation "Learning to walk with a donkey":

  • Prepare your donkey (know how to brush, clean the hooves, check for irritations and parasites).
  • Packing (identify equipment, know how to pack and stow luggage in a balanced manner).
  • Driving the donkey (know how to drive your donkey and know the subtleties to motivate your donkey).
  • Prepare your donkey for a night's bivouac (know how to find a suitable place, know how to tie up your donkey, set up the necessities for the night).
  • Duration 3 hours
    Prices 100 €